Monday, August 06, 2007

Prayers requested

I was going to reminisce about our wedding/marriage/anniversary today, as we celebrated 18 years yesterday but something else is laying heavy on my heart right now and I thought I'd address that right now.

My friend Cherylyn in OK is really sick.  She's been fighting bronchitis for a while now, was on the wrong meds, etc.  She has 3 little girls at home with her.  Now her bronchitis has gone into pneumonia and she sounds really sick.  My heart aches for her because I wish I could do something physically helpful for her and I can't.  I can and do pray but I wish I could be there to help with the children and the house until she was up and around.

So please join with me in praying that she recovers quickly and that the pneumonia doesn't get worse.  I know with all you ladies (and gents) praying that, in the Lord's will, she'll get better.


Lori siggie

Cherylyn & Lori 2006

Here's a picture of us in the summer of 2006.

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