Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Thank God for His blessings

It finally rained here! I don't know how many weeks we've been without it but it's been at least 3. I let the twins go out and play in the gentle raindrops most of the afternoon. At first I made them stay on the porch but upon watching a lot of the neighborhood children out in it I thought, "Why not?" It wasn't thundering, the flow was gentle, and they play in the sprinkler half the summer anyway. I sat on the porch, reading and knitting and trying to recover from this irritating cold.

Friend Husband took the twins with him to work this morning to pick up some articles he has to read and evaluate for his fall classes. While they were gone, I sank into a deep sleep, certain sign that I'm sick. When I woke up I felt a lot better. At least my brain wasn't as foggy, although my body was still yucky.

We had already decided to celebrate my birthday today because we were still in recovery mode on Sunday but I told Friend Husband that if I didn't feel better, I didn't want to celebrate today. This whole birthday thing has been sort of a wash anyway. I totally see why people just ignore them. For my 30th birthday, I threw a big party for me, my mom, and my mil. They turned 50 and 60, respectively, that summer (my mil's birthday is 3 days after mine) and we also got a commemorative photo taken. We agreed to do this once a decade, have a party and take another picture. Of course, they're both gone. Barbara, my late, great mil, passed about a year and a half after the big party and Mom lasted 6 years. And here I am.

Anyway, Friend Husband, ever the loving spouse, brought home yummy Chinese food and cheesecake for my birthday dinner...wonderful! Before we ate, the girls gave me their gifts. (Doug had given me his the night before because he figured he couldn't hide it from me very easily...shows what he knows. I've been so out of it today that I'm not sure I would have noticed. He gave me 3 big hanging baskets full of flowers, so I do have a few flowers still living.) Rachel gave me some scented tarts (that you melt in a ceramic tart burner) and a bottle of rose-scented room spray (the girl knows what I love). Abigail gave me some coffee-scented tarts (yum) and a mug that she had attached a note to proclaiming it to be for "Her Royal Majesty". Sarah, with her usual wit and concern, had given me a bag upon which she'd lettered, "Motherhood survival kit: Aspirin not included". Inside was a bag of dark chocolate-almond truffles and a homemade coupon book with such coupons as "30 minutes of twin watch" and "free dinner where Mom doesn't have to do anything". I loved it, of course! My family is so very sweet.

Not much else to say (plus I can feel my brain shutting down) so I'll skedaddle. Blessings on you all tonight....

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