Friday, August 17, 2007

Happy birthday?

Carolyn's glamour shotPE

Today, if she had lived that long, my mother would have turned 60.  It's kinda hard to know what to think or say about it.  I'm a bit sad today, but mostly just resigned to the fact that the ache will always be there since she is not.

She, my late, great mil, and I had a deal.  We all had summer birthdays and we all turned new decades the same year.  We got our photo mutually taken when we turned 50, 60, and 30, respectively and agreed to do it every 10 years.  They're both gone and here I am.  And no, I'm not getting my picture taken any time soon.  I know I've told that story before, it's just apropos to today.

So there it is...I'd say happy birthday but she doesn't know it's her birthday anymore.  I remember her on the special day anyway.  I was going to say that I wish that our memory of those special dates would pass along with the person but in the end, I don't.  I just wish I had my mama back.


Gina said...

Oh dear. So sorry you're down today.

I think your Mama would be so pleased to know that you honored her birthday.

Julie in Texas said...

Oh Lori,

I am giving you hugs from Texas. My mama would have turned 60 on June 15 of this year. It was a very hard day.

What a lovely tribute.

Anonymous said...


Your mom was a beautiful woman! I honored my father on his birthday this year too. I figured the celebration wasn't for him it was for me.

My mom and I redid my Dad's last day yesterday. We shopped in the stores we had been in, we ate in the restaraunt he ate in. My mom even ordered the meal he had eaten. Today, we stopped by the Chamber of Commerce. My Dad had photographed a yard he liked. It turned out to be owned by a lady who works at there. She had asked for photos. My Dad had died that very night and my mom had never sent them. My Dad would have wanted her to have them...

Oh, so bittersweet ~